Math has always been an extremely important part of my identity. I was taught the multiplication table up to 12 in kindergarten, and was dragged out of class to take “algebra” in first and second grade. This was all due to my parents putting an emphasis on making a career in STEM, and the Model Minority stereotypes put on me as an Asian-American. I was always expected to get top scores and answer every question. In my third grade class, a boy was bragging to everyone else about how he beat me by one point in those quick multiplication sheets.
From the 5th to 6th grade transition, my school offered a test to skip a grade in math. I walked in, expecting to ace the test. That was not the case; I barely knew half the things on there and I guessed the rest. It was one of many challenges for my math journey as I realized that there were others out there, miles better than me.
In 6th grade, I joined the math team lunch club. From there, I heard about the AMC 8. Before this, the only “contests” I have encountered were the small, regional ones that were easy. I thought it would be the same for the AMC 8, so I signed up. After a few months, the scores were out. I opened up the email to see that I’ve gotten a whopping... 8/25. That was the second challenge for me, after failing the test to skip a grade. Ironically, two new students that year both skipped a grade in math and made distinguished honor rolls in the AMC 8.
That summer, I worked as hard as I could. I mocked many contests and bought AoPS textbooks, hoping that one day I can achieve what the two students did. That year, I got a 14/25 on the AMC 8. I also joined MathCOUNTS that year but didn’t make any significant progress.
The following year, after more mocking and crying, I got a 20/25 and made Honor Roll. I also made Chapter in MathCOUNTS, but did not make State. Now, I have an opportunity to skip a grade in math again and I know I won’t be throwing that away.
My non-fiction writing skills are subpar, so this might not have been the easiest to read. I’d like to think that my words made an impact on you, the reader, as the struggles I talk about tell me to work harder. Hopefully you enjoyed reading my story, my discord’s trainwreck#0275 I’m way less serious on there if you want to talk :D Have a nice day~
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@Practice40hrs on AoPS, could you please send your email to us? We don't see your name and contact info. Thanks
Your story is fantastic. It's not easy, and I can see how determined you are to succeed.
I am wondering, does STEM & ROSE have or plan to have a discord channel?
We all love AOPS books. LOL.
Thank you so much for sharing your story! I really love your resilience, and look forward to seeing your progress in contest math ^^.
We truly enjoyed reading your story, love it!